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Inside the Boston Consulting Group Offices in Istanbul by Jeyan Ülkü Architects

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Recent Offices

STED Archbuild reimagined Aseem Infra Finance’s office to create a vibrant and sustainable workspace fostering relationships, drawing inspiration from Mumbai’s Fort architectural hub.

Interaction collaborated with Ghyston in Bristol to design a modern, flexible office space that reflects their empowering culture, featuring inclusive, multifunctional areas, a vibrant color palette, and community-building elements.

Factory creatively merged history and modernity in a 1,300 square-meter space with traditional elements, a cozy family atmosphere, and functional design for employees and customers of Wormser Frères in Paris, France.

EN Design Studio designed a workspace for Siemens Technologies in Israel, emphasizing innovation and reliability through dynamic elements, transparent materials, and a color scheme inspired by the Siemens logo.

Marigold Interiors in Ahmedabad transformed a traditional Chartered Accountancy office into a vibrant, ergonomic space with open work areas, monochrome scheme, rust orange accents, FEFS materials, and ergonomic furniture.

The Den at Lansdowne in Kolkata showcases a retrofitted and restored workspace designed by Spaces & Design, blending old-world charm with contemporary elements and sustainability practices.

PMG Group redesigned a workspace for a non-profit, uniting departments, enhancing collaboration, and productivity through bespoke strategy and neighbourhood-based design, consolidating locations into two sites.

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